Thursday, April 8, 2010


December 15, 2009
I'm a person that runs on facts. However, it's funny, or rather ridiculous, how quickly I forget those facts. I realized Sunday morning in life group how often I make worship about me. At a certain time in my life, I was so angry with God. To show you the extent of my great theology and spiritual maturity, I wasn't speaking to God, haha. I felt He and I had made these plans for my life (notice I added the "and I") and He had changed that on me. There were times in church that I couldn't, or wouldn't, sing some words of the songs because I just wasn't feeling it. I didn't sing about trusting Him, because at that time, I didn't. After about a week of this nonsense, I realized that in my "not speaking" to God, it hadn't changed anything. He was still the God of the universe. He was still the Creator, and in me not speaking to Him, I was just reiterating how important He was in my life. If He meant nothing, I wouldn't have cared enough to be mad. After that, I, of course, apologized and we were bff's again. I learned then how little my worship meant in that particular way. Whether I worship or not, He's God. He is not God because I worship Him, I worship Him because He is God. If I wake up one day exhausted, London is screaming, Lance has left a ring on the coffee table or some other catastrophe has happened, He's still God. Max Lucado defined it as this, "worship is the thank you that can not be silenced." I love that. And John Piper explained it as magnification of God, not as a microscope, but a telescope, just trying to catch a glimpse of His Godliness. I'm no where near that good with words. Worship to me is fact. It's knowing that He's God at all times of my day. I drop London off at the babysitter, look into the sky and see the bright blue and the white clouds and remember that He painted those for us. It's me smiling at the crazy antics of my husband and knowing Who made him for me. In those times, I worship. Now, if only I remembered those facts at all times.

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