Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 5- As a father

I just seriously love this, and I have half a mind to just start over on Day 1 when this is over. There are so many times I can get annoyed with something with Lance or just wish he had handled it a tad differently or understood a little more that I needed it said in a different way. Why on Earth did it not occur to me to pray for that? I want my first reaction when I'm annoyed with my husband to be to go straight to my knees and not straight to another person. I figure, A) God will give me what I ask and He'll help my husband to understand me and love me in a way that I respond the most to, or B) He'll help me see that I was, in actuality, the one that was in the wrong, or C)both! ...I have a feeling it may be B and C many more times than it'll be A ;). So, today, Day 5 and we're praying for our men as daddies. Here's Ashley's blog post on it, but I'll copy and paste for those that are as lazy as me. (Confession: I will probably never click on any links or songs you have on a blog post.)

"If your man is already a daddy, this is a prayer that is probably constantly on your heart. I know that it is for me. If you do not yet have children, this is the perfect time to start praying for them, by praying for their daddy.

I love my husband ten-fold after watching him become a daddy. Amen?

Our Focus:
Teach him to train his children up in godliness.
May his time with his children be increased.
Grant him wisdom, patience and endless love.
Grow his children up to always bring joy to their daddy.
Prepare him to use 'life' as a teacher for his children.
Inspire him through his offspring.
May he always see the wonders of the Lord in his children."

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