Friday, September 3, 2010


I've always greatly disliked the popular phrase Christians throw around, "Never pray for patience." Somehow, a nasty rumor began floating around some time ago that you only need patience when you're given really big obstacles and that God won't send you those obstacles if you aren't praying for the patience to get through them. In my life before marriage, children, and all the other adult stuff, I never had a problem finding situations needing patience. I worked as a server in a restaurant and as a preschool teacher. I had electronics even though I am extremely low-tech. I had difficult professors. Then, when I got married, I lived in a small one bedroom apartment with another person...and a boy at that! Then, we had London, and I assure you, I've had even less difficulties finding situations that require patience since. I've learned that whether or not I ask for patience to get through it, London will dump a bowl of cereal and milk. She will use the restroom in the floor instead of her potty. She wash off her popsicle that was dropped in the dirt in her little swimming pool. These things are going to happen, and if I have not filled up my tank of patience and other fruits, they just seem to happen more.

Now, here I am, 39 weeks and 4 days pregnant, and once again, God is teaching me patience whether I like it or not. (Those of you that plan your pregnancies successfully, do NOT make your last month August just for future reference ;)) I feel like a completely different person, and one that I personally would probably not pick as a friend most of the time. In pregnancy, your body is not what you normally have, your hormones aren't, and you don't even get to wear your own clothes. Very much a case of the invasion of the body snatchers. However, God is faithful. More faithful than me. I'm hoping that this ever lengthening pregnancy and all the "joys" that come with it will bring with it afterwards wisdom and a greater ability to mother two children instead of just one. I'm grateful that His Word doesn't come back void and that He is constantly grooming me to be the leader spiritually I need to be to raise up children for Him and, even more, grooming me to be the follower spiritually I need to be for Lance. Wouldn't it be lovely to be less stubborn and headstrong and learn these lessons way easier and faster though?! :)

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