April 4, 2010
For a passionate, at times extremist, personality, living in a world of balance can be quite frustrating and complex. As I grow older, I find that more and more things in my life require a proper balance. London is toddling with help and will be running away from us any day now with new independence, and through this new toddler stage, I'm having to learn that complete control over with tons of unnecessary "no's" is bad, but allowing her to do whatever because she's only one is very bad too. I'm learning that my insistence on a healthy diet is mostly good, but denying myself or family some delightful treats removes the good of that whole concept. Here lately, God has been teaching me some other balances as well.
Recently, I've been praying for a deep deep yearning for His Word. I had continued to read my Bible consistently, but it wasn't jumping at me to need it like I need food. When does He decide to stoke in me a great need for His Word right there and then? The only break in my day between classes that I needed to study so badly for a Restoration & Neoclassical Literature exam. I am a perfectionist to a fault and I do not do well with making less than an A. He's slowly showing me that for me to ask Him to become my all, I must make Him my all, not just before school but before myself and my extremes. (by the way, I made an 81 on that test. I was hoping He would reward my reading His word with an immaculate conception of knowledge but it did not happen haha).
He's also been showing me a balance between Truth and Love. At times, I can not see farther than His Truth, when His love is what is needed too. I did not know until not long ago that they are not two things that come hand in hand. I can not remember who said it, but there's a quote that says something along the lines of, "Truth without Love is too harsh, and Love without Truth is too weak."
These have been very hard for me to not only wrap my head around because it is so out of my nature, but they have been very very hard for me to accept and surrender to. However, as today, Easter Sunday, passes, I am eternally grateful that out of all the balances He asks of my life, I can not love Him too much. I can not be too excited and humbled and ready to see Him face to face. In our love, He gives no boundaries and allows us to be the crazy, extremists we tend to be. Isn't that just like our King? That is so Him. I love it
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