Saturday, January 15, 2011


So, today's thoughts come (in a round about way) from a veggie tales show. I'm not usually a fan of veggie tales...great message for my toddler, but it's way more annoying than I remember it being. The one that was on in the background today was called Madame Blueberry. She was blue because she saw all the stuff everyone else had and thought she'd be happy if she had all the things they did. This got me thinking about materialism. I think I've always mentally tuned out sermons or books or whatever about materialism. After all...I'm responsible with my money. right? Something that is on sale for $20, even if 99% off, is still, in my opinion, several meals for my family or a date night for me and Lance.

Then I began thinking about the possibilities if EVERYTHING you could buy was less than a dollar. What if a new car was $.50 (random, but when did society do away with the cents sign? when things were no longer costing cents only?) What about all the guitars? A house? Cute new boots? What about things for my kids? oh man....a HUGE swingset? A beautiful wooden painted playhouse outside? When I think of it like that, I cringe at the possibilities. Even if I bought one for myself, and 20 for less fortunate people, where does that leave me? I don't know when I began seperating materialism from money responsibility, but it was obviously a mistake. I don't know that London even enjoyed that particular epidsode, haha, but I sat in tears convicted of my heart. Don't even get me started on Sweet Pea Beauty episode....I bawled like a baby about the King seeing us as beautiful, but that's another day. Now, I have to get back to "blessing" my house and, unfortunately, I'm to the laundry pile part of that blessing. sigh... :)

another verse to add to the fridge

My heart, O God, is steadfast, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and make music.
Psalm 57:7

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