Lately through reading and studying, one word continues to jump out at me over and over. Bride. The word is used 43 times in the New American Standard Bible, but my favorite use of the word is when it is referred to the body of the Church. First of all, I was a bride and so I can relate. All the preparation, all the anxiety, all the stress of tablecloths, wardrobe, and food all comes down to one moment where I was joined in a covenant with Lance for the rest of our lives here on earth. When I think of the word "bride," a lot of things come to mind as I'm sure it does with most women. Beautiful, exciting, fresh, new, young. But the one that continues to dance in my mind is alone. Not individually, but the bride and bridegroom. As full time college students and young parents, Lance and I know the glory of a moment secreted away with just the two of us. We did not know before London was here that those precious moments where it was always just the two of us were to be captured in the heart and remembered as such a sweet time. I love that we will always always be Jesus' bride. That it will always be this sweet time of me and Him, taking long walks with no worries as to what I should be doing, chatting forever without running out of things to say, just as a new bride and bridegroom do. It will never become routine, it will never become ordinary, and I will never become "wife" but always a young beautiful bride. Not that wife has any negative connotation, but any means, I hold the term wife as a very sacred thing, but it does not give me the same ideas that bride does, and this is why the Word uses "bride." Doesn't it just make you want to look your best and act your best and be ready for Him to come get you any day and sweep you right off your feet? :)
"Let us rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and His bride has made herself ready." Revelation 19:7
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