Because of some recent craziness in our house, I've been thinking on value as of late. Where it can be found. What determines it. My head has always said that value is determined in small things, but I don't know that my heart thought much on it until recently. However, as I've been looking for my value, I believe I have discovered just where it resides.
Today is a pretty typical day. It's not quite 3pm and the girls are napping. London fought sleep quite viciously, but finally surrendered. I washed a load of clothes that had a disposable diaper in them, and therefore, washed the load three times now. (Salt, by the way. Run them again with only salt sprinkled into the machine instead of detergent. who knew?)
I've cooked a whole chicken with some veggies mixed in, deboned it, and used the broth from it for some homemade soup. I've painted half of Story's room with primer. I've taken a long bath. blah blah blah.
As I stood at the sink wiping it down, I stared out the window. (I recently took the mini blinds down so we only have curtains so that I can see up into the tree and sky while I stand there.)
I noticed a chubby squirrel digging in the yard, looking for a treasure he buried back when food was plentiful with a watchful eye toward our backdoor, just in case our Westie came running full speed at him again. He found his nut, then ran up the tree and laid across a few twigs on a branch right in front of my window to cover himself with his tail and eat his find.
And I thought...there's my value in today. It's not a list of things I do, whether long or short. It's not a paycheck brought home, or bills that come in. It's not the size, appearance, or cleanliness of your home. It's not what you do while constantly on the go. It's what you do when you stop. ...and if you stop.
My day is not good because it is productive. My day is good because of moments God gives to glimpse Him in His creation. It's little feet in footed pj's dangling from a sleepy toddler as you hold them and sway and hum, attempting to coax them back to sleep. It's simple statements from preschoolers that simply tell you, "you're doing a good job."
It's a moment saturated with radiating, never ending love from a Father. Value is found in understanding that this world is not only about Him, and not you, but that it is fleeting. This season will not last, and neither will these troubles. But neither will these sweet moments. So, which will we focus on? The fleeting stress and anxiety? Or, the fleeting moments of trees losing the very last of this years' leaves and opportunities to greet or compliment a stranger? Tis the season, you know. ;)
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