Is it just me or has the last two weeks been insane for everyone? London turns 2 Thursday (which is just insane in its own right), and the party is Saturday...which means things have to be finished for it tomorrow or Friday, since Thursday we'll be busy celebrating. The praying specifically for my husband thing has fallen at a very challenging time, but it's been a learning experience in making prayer a priority with a very very crazy life going on. I had big plans today that I would get so much accomplished before bedtime and maybe get to bed early! fail. I spent the morning removing all the pictures of my girls from facebook (a long story, but something I've been going back and forth on for months now.) Then ran errands with London, and then got home and didn't start on "projects" until late afternoon. Unfortunately for my procrastination, London has realized things she wants can be made for the most part, and I enjoy challenges. Not even halfway into working on her birthday banner, she requests a dryer for her dirty clothes. Not a lot of time, so all she got was this.

it was full of dirty clothes immediately, of course, and I hope she practices and can graduate to a real one soon. ;) finally, I started and finished the banner for London's party, and yes, it is up on my wall already b/c I'm afraid of little hands and the tearing of tulle.
future note, if someone makes this in the pink polk-a-dot paper...the painting step makes too many steps
the really ridiculous part is the list of projects I want to do that keeps building in my head....easter baskets anyone?
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