So, I'm very very late posting this today, so I hope anyone looking for the focus went to another blog and got it. :) Today was day 10! Did everyone make it? We were praying for the Future...a lovely thing to end with :). and the focus was,
"Our focus:
Protect him.
Bless his health.
Guard his mind.
Hold fast to his heart.
Go before him.
Be his counselor, his confidante, his help and his refuge.
Surround him with people who will speak life into him.
Be his shield and his firm foundation.
Light his way and give him hope"
and the reason I'm late in posting big girl turned 2 today. We had pancakes in the shape of 2's and spent the day at the Children's Museum and then Red Robin for lunch. It was such a fun day, but I honestly can not believe she's two! so crazy...
So, the original TYMTJ has 10 days, but I'm throwing in a Day 11 tomorrow for those that want to join me in it. I know we had a job day, but Lance's job isn't with the church. He works in a music store, but because he spends hours at the church throughout the week practicing and playing and meeting, I decided last week that tomorrow would be focused on Lance's ministry. Our focus tomorrow, if you wish to accept it ;),
That God will give him a clear vision for the works He wants him to do
That God will mold him into a man constantly after His own heart
That He'll give and protect the precious fruits of the Spirit through the ups and downs of ministry life
That He'll show him how he can best balance his family and the plan God has for him and us.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Day 9- Jesus Time
Is there anyone else still praying along? We're into day 9 now, one day left of the original 10 day prayer focus (though I'm going to switch things up and throw in a surprise day 11 at the end, but that's a few days from now ;))
Today, we're praying for our mens' Jesus time. Here's the post and focus from The Ingram Gang blog.
"Spending time with the Lord. A statement, a question, a request....
Whether or not you know that your husband spends daily, quality time with the Lord or not, let's seek this for him. Now, don't you start judging your man. What does your time with the Lord look like? Yeah. That's what I thought.
I kid, I kid.
As we go through our day today, let us really just press into this topic for our man. Pray for your future husband, that God would do these things in his heart this very day and that God would develop discipline in him now, rather than later. May we all step closer to the Lord as we take this cry of our heart to Him.
Our focus:
Draw him into an intimate time of worship.
Call him away to a quiet place.
Drown out life.
Speak with clarity.
Reveal yourself.
Love him.
Give life to your Word.
Pour out revelation.
Grant him accountability in his journey of following Christ.
Shape him into a man of integrity, character and self-discipline."
Today, we're praying for our mens' Jesus time. Here's the post and focus from The Ingram Gang blog.
"Spending time with the Lord. A statement, a question, a request....
Whether or not you know that your husband spends daily, quality time with the Lord or not, let's seek this for him. Now, don't you start judging your man. What does your time with the Lord look like? Yeah. That's what I thought.
I kid, I kid.
As we go through our day today, let us really just press into this topic for our man. Pray for your future husband, that God would do these things in his heart this very day and that God would develop discipline in him now, rather than later. May we all step closer to the Lord as we take this cry of our heart to Him.
Our focus:
Draw him into an intimate time of worship.
Call him away to a quiet place.
Drown out life.
Speak with clarity.
Reveal yourself.
Love him.
Give life to your Word.
Pour out revelation.
Grant him accountability in his journey of following Christ.
Shape him into a man of integrity, character and self-discipline."
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
so many projects...
Is it just me or has the last two weeks been insane for everyone? London turns 2 Thursday (which is just insane in its own right), and the party is Saturday...which means things have to be finished for it tomorrow or Friday, since Thursday we'll be busy celebrating. The praying specifically for my husband thing has fallen at a very challenging time, but it's been a learning experience in making prayer a priority with a very very crazy life going on. I had big plans today that I would get so much accomplished before bedtime and maybe get to bed early! fail. I spent the morning removing all the pictures of my girls from facebook (a long story, but something I've been going back and forth on for months now.) Then ran errands with London, and then got home and didn't start on "projects" until late afternoon. Unfortunately for my procrastination, London has realized things she wants can be made for the most part, and I enjoy challenges. Not even halfway into working on her birthday banner, she requests a dryer for her dirty clothes. Not a lot of time, so all she got was this.
it was full of dirty clothes immediately, of course, and I hope she practices and can graduate to a real one soon. ;) finally, I started and finished the banner for London's party, and yes, it is up on my wall already b/c I'm afraid of little hands and the tearing of tulle.
future note, if someone makes this in the pink polk-a-dot paper...the painting step makes too many steps
the really ridiculous part is the list of projects I want to do that keeps building in my head....easter baskets anyone?
Day 8- His Past
So we've been praying for our men for more than a week now. Today, we're focusing on praying for his past. Here's the focus from the original blog we're borrowing from.
"Let's pray for our guys life, before today. We want life before today to be an encouragement for his present and his future. Though we cannot change the past, we can learn from it, grow through it and become mature because of it. When our man may not think to pray for his past, let us take that responsibility on ourselves. As we pray for his past, let us ask Jesus to reconcile it. May we also thank the Lord for developing him into the man he is today.
Our focus:
Seek forgiveness for yourself if there are any areas in his past that you have yet to forgive or have developed bitter roots.
Ask that he would have full forgiveness of himself for who he used to be.
Allow his past to be used to encourage him in his future.
May he learn from past triumphs, successes, failures, and sins.
Would he be able to use each part of who he is as a testimony to Christ and his faithfulness.
Pray that his past is not where his thoughts dwell.
Give him eyes to see that you are doing a new thing.
Reveal yourself faithful in the past, giving the promise of being faithful in the present and the hope of being faithful in the future."
"Let's pray for our guys life, before today. We want life before today to be an encouragement for his present and his future. Though we cannot change the past, we can learn from it, grow through it and become mature because of it. When our man may not think to pray for his past, let us take that responsibility on ourselves. As we pray for his past, let us ask Jesus to reconcile it. May we also thank the Lord for developing him into the man he is today.
Our focus:
Seek forgiveness for yourself if there are any areas in his past that you have yet to forgive or have developed bitter roots.
Ask that he would have full forgiveness of himself for who he used to be.
Allow his past to be used to encourage him in his future.
May he learn from past triumphs, successes, failures, and sins.
Would he be able to use each part of who he is as a testimony to Christ and his faithfulness.
Pray that his past is not where his thoughts dwell.
Give him eyes to see that you are doing a new thing.
Reveal yourself faithful in the past, giving the promise of being faithful in the present and the hope of being faithful in the future."
Monday, February 21, 2011
Crafts and Blog Revamp
We interupt your regular programming (which is currently Taking Your Man to Jesus) to say that my blog is getting a makeover and I've decided to add some crafts to it. I've never posted my crafts on my blog before, but I really want other moms to be encouraged at how easy it is to do extra fun and "crafty" things with your kids. I'm no super mom. I just got a sewing machine last christmas and just stopped wanting to shout profanities at the bobbin within the last few months, except for the occassional sewing rage here or there :). So, I suppose this post is only to warn those that may actually read My Life and Journey that it has not disappeared, but is now Tastes of Chaos. It seemed more fitting to my life :). whenever I learn to make tabs, it may even be a tad...organized. gasp! but don't worry, the actual posts shall be full to the brim of chaos, since my life is increasingly so, and I have decided to stop fighting it and embrace this season of life instead. So...birthday party this Saturday. ....I still have a paper mache Minnie Mouse head to make, centerpieces, and a couple more things. Pictures shall follow. LUCKILY, the cake is being taken care of by a pro, phew. Elizabeth Goad has taken on the challenge of a pink, white, and black cake and I can't wait to see how it turns out!! :) eat it. Hope there are lots of you out there praying for your hubbies and their families today! AND, I was reminded through another blog post today by Nicole Arbuckle, that there may be Exhusbands that need prayers too...and even if you don't think they do, you or your children might ;). I'd love to hear any stories of peace or enlightenment coming from this that I haven't heard yet. I've been keeping up to date with one group of newly weds with one bride-to-be and I'm lovin' all the things they're saying :)
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Day 7-His Family
So today, (Monday. I'm posting the night before because of an assignement due date tomorrow) we're praying for the family of our men. This one is actually super easy for me, since I've been incredibly blessed in that aspect, but this one may take the cake in difficulty for some of you ladies. In fact, it may not have ever occurred to you before that you could pray for God to move the heart of the mother in law that can't stand you (or you equally enjoy the presence of ;)), or that you could ask God to rise up in your man's family a person that will be your cheerleader and friend (you may even be surprised who that could turn out to be). All in all, we have some amazing men, and we should be grateful for their families, whoever they may be.
Here's the post from The Ingram Gang. I hate to keep copying and pasting her entire posts, but it's just. so. good! Especially that last one, with the guys' night and all...right?
"Onto day seven...
I really think it would be meaningful to spend one day focused on your husband's family. If you are married, this is now your family as well, but these are the people that knew him and loved him long before you did.
I realize that families can be a very 'sticky' situation in some cases. I ask you to put opinions, disagreements and past hurts aside today. No matter the family circumstance, the Lord used family blessings and trials in your man's life to develop him into the guy you are so crazy about. As easy or difficult as it may be, spend today focused on your man's family, taking them before the Lord.
Our focus:
Thank Jesus for a family that brought such a wonderful man into the world.
Pray for mended family relationships (if needed).
Petition that Jesus would make himself real and known to his family; call each person out by name.
Ask for protection to surround his family members.
Pray for the health of family.
Give wisdom to family members.
Pray that your husband would be quick to honor his family.
Seek out wisdom so that both you, and your man may know and agree on what family legacies to pass along and what God desires to break and rebuild in your family"
Here's the post from The Ingram Gang. I hate to keep copying and pasting her entire posts, but it's just. so. good! Especially that last one, with the guys' night and all...right?
"Onto day seven...
I really think it would be meaningful to spend one day focused on your husband's family. If you are married, this is now your family as well, but these are the people that knew him and loved him long before you did.
I realize that families can be a very 'sticky' situation in some cases. I ask you to put opinions, disagreements and past hurts aside today. No matter the family circumstance, the Lord used family blessings and trials in your man's life to develop him into the guy you are so crazy about. As easy or difficult as it may be, spend today focused on your man's family, taking them before the Lord.
Our focus:
Thank Jesus for a family that brought such a wonderful man into the world.
Pray for mended family relationships (if needed).
Petition that Jesus would make himself real and known to his family; call each person out by name.
Ask for protection to surround his family members.
Pray for the health of family.
Give wisdom to family members.
Pray that your husband would be quick to honor his family.
Seek out wisdom so that both you, and your man may know and agree on what family legacies to pass along and what God desires to break and rebuild in your family"
Day 6- Friendship
Sundays are crazy for us, so I'm late posting today. If you're following along with these posts and praying, make sure you know the links to Ashley Ingram's blog and even my friend Meagan's blog b/c she's currently praying along with me and those could start your prayers off earlier than my posts ;).
Today's focus is our husbands' friends. Here's the post from the original blog.
"We have completed half of our ten-day, focused prayer time for you man. I just want to encourage you to stay strong in your commitment. I am great at starting tasks, but stink at finishing strong. I do not want this to happen to me, nor you. Really commit to disciplining yourself over the next few days to finish strong in your prayer journey.
Friendship. A word my man knows so, so well. I am ashamed to admit, but I am not always gun hoe when Brad wants to spend time with friends. I have been known to feel that they are competing for my quality time. I rarely take the time to acknowledge how beneficial Brad's quality friend-time can be, nor do I give thanks for the great friends that my husband has. Maybe some of you are on the opposite end of the spectrum, you desire for your husband to develop more friendships. If so, spend today requesting this from the Lord.
If your husband has many friends or few, let us be thankful for all of the men in his life whom he can be 'real' around. Be thankful if he returns home refreshed and a better husband and father after being around his friends.
Our focus:
Give him wisdom in choosing men worthy of honest friendship.
Thank Jesus for the friends that he has been given.
Be specific, thank Jesus for each friend that comes to mind. Call them out by name.
Ask that he would be vulnerable with his friends.
Pray that the vulnerability would grow to true accountability.
Develop him into an authentic, giving, approachable friend.
Increase integrity in friendships, making him worthy of great friends, in return.
Maybe he should get a guys night soon, away from the stresses of a job, the demands of a family, the requests of a wife and the expectations of those he leads. Just a thought..."
Today's focus is our husbands' friends. Here's the post from the original blog.
"We have completed half of our ten-day, focused prayer time for you man. I just want to encourage you to stay strong in your commitment. I am great at starting tasks, but stink at finishing strong. I do not want this to happen to me, nor you. Really commit to disciplining yourself over the next few days to finish strong in your prayer journey.
Friendship. A word my man knows so, so well. I am ashamed to admit, but I am not always gun hoe when Brad wants to spend time with friends. I have been known to feel that they are competing for my quality time. I rarely take the time to acknowledge how beneficial Brad's quality friend-time can be, nor do I give thanks for the great friends that my husband has. Maybe some of you are on the opposite end of the spectrum, you desire for your husband to develop more friendships. If so, spend today requesting this from the Lord.
If your husband has many friends or few, let us be thankful for all of the men in his life whom he can be 'real' around. Be thankful if he returns home refreshed and a better husband and father after being around his friends.
Our focus:
Give him wisdom in choosing men worthy of honest friendship.
Thank Jesus for the friends that he has been given.
Be specific, thank Jesus for each friend that comes to mind. Call them out by name.
Ask that he would be vulnerable with his friends.
Pray that the vulnerability would grow to true accountability.
Develop him into an authentic, giving, approachable friend.
Increase integrity in friendships, making him worthy of great friends, in return.
Maybe he should get a guys night soon, away from the stresses of a job, the demands of a family, the requests of a wife and the expectations of those he leads. Just a thought..."
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Day 5- As a father
I just seriously love this, and I have half a mind to just start over on Day 1 when this is over. There are so many times I can get annoyed with something with Lance or just wish he had handled it a tad differently or understood a little more that I needed it said in a different way. Why on Earth did it not occur to me to pray for that? I want my first reaction when I'm annoyed with my husband to be to go straight to my knees and not straight to another person. I figure, A) God will give me what I ask and He'll help my husband to understand me and love me in a way that I respond the most to, or B) He'll help me see that I was, in actuality, the one that was in the wrong, or C)both! ...I have a feeling it may be B and C many more times than it'll be A ;). So, today, Day 5 and we're praying for our men as daddies. Here's Ashley's blog post on it, but I'll copy and paste for those that are as lazy as me. (Confession: I will probably never click on any links or songs you have on a blog post.)
"If your man is already a daddy, this is a prayer that is probably constantly on your heart. I know that it is for me. If you do not yet have children, this is the perfect time to start praying for them, by praying for their daddy.
I love my husband ten-fold after watching him become a daddy. Amen?
Our Focus:
Teach him to train his children up in godliness.
May his time with his children be increased.
Grant him wisdom, patience and endless love.
Grow his children up to always bring joy to their daddy.
Prepare him to use 'life' as a teacher for his children.
Inspire him through his offspring.
May he always see the wonders of the Lord in his children."
"If your man is already a daddy, this is a prayer that is probably constantly on your heart. I know that it is for me. If you do not yet have children, this is the perfect time to start praying for them, by praying for their daddy.
I love my husband ten-fold after watching him become a daddy. Amen?
Our Focus:
Teach him to train his children up in godliness.
May his time with his children be increased.
Grant him wisdom, patience and endless love.
Grow his children up to always bring joy to their daddy.
Prepare him to use 'life' as a teacher for his children.
Inspire him through his offspring.
May he always see the wonders of the Lord in his children."
Friday, February 18, 2011
Day 4
Today we're praying for our men as husband's. I have lots of amazing things going on with this, but no time to post :(. Here's the copy from Ashley Ingram's blog.
"Today, let's focus on our husbands as just that, a husband. If you are not yet married, pray for your guy as he steps into the role of husband. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church. Your husband, my husband, is the leader. Already. It's settled. You don't have to negotiate it or loose sleep over it, they are the head of the home. Christ appointed them to that role.
In thinking about praying for this role, it was hard for me to stripe this roll from the other rolls he fulfills. Yet, it is the one role that is solely created for me. Funny, isn't it?
Our focus:
Encourage him in his leadership of me, his wife.
Continue to develop him into a man that always makes marriage a priority
Give him a deep love for me, his spouse.
Give him new revelation into your heart for marriage.
Guard his eyes from Satan's attempts to steal his affection from me.
May he be a model of submission as he submits to the Lord.
Give him wisdom in leadership."
"Today, let's focus on our husbands as just that, a husband. If you are not yet married, pray for your guy as he steps into the role of husband. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church. Your husband, my husband, is the leader. Already. It's settled. You don't have to negotiate it or loose sleep over it, they are the head of the home. Christ appointed them to that role.
In thinking about praying for this role, it was hard for me to stripe this roll from the other rolls he fulfills. Yet, it is the one role that is solely created for me. Funny, isn't it?
Our focus:
Encourage him in his leadership of me, his wife.
Continue to develop him into a man that always makes marriage a priority
Give him a deep love for me, his spouse.
Give him new revelation into your heart for marriage.
Guard his eyes from Satan's attempts to steal his affection from me.
May he be a model of submission as he submits to the Lord.
Give him wisdom in leadership."
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Day 3- The Job
Today is Day 3 and we're praying for our men and their jobs. Here's the post from The Ingram Gang blog.
"We all know our husband's jobs well, so spend some time today personalizing your prayer in the way your husband needs them most. Try to take yourself out of the prayers. Don't pray for what you would be pleased to see happen, but rather things that would bring growth to your dude.
Our focus:
May his workplace be/become a place where he has freedom show his creativity and use his gifts.
That he would gain encouragement, specifically today, from his co-workers.
That he would be effective.
A thankful heart for a job that provides.
Give clarity to any callings that the Lord may be placing in his heart.
Professional growth.
Take a few extra moments to thank Jesus for giving your husband a job. For those of you who have the joy of staying at home with your kids make sure you have your heart right. Rather than comparing your life to the lives of others or wishing you had more to "show" for your life or sulking in the career you used to have, give thanks for a man who works so hard so that you can be a full-time mommy.
Let us all make a noticeable effort today to show our gratitude for our husbands when he enters the doors of his home at five or six or seven o'clock in the evening.
One of the most applicable pieces of advice I have ever heard is this:
When your husband comes home from a long day at work, you and all of your children should go to the door to greet him, showing him how thankful you are that he has come home to you. A man who comes home with no one to greet him, feels as though no one notices his presence. If his presence is not noticed, he will start to pull away. Make a conscious effort to greet your husband today. And have your children or pets or make believe friends do the same thing. It will make him feel loved. That is our goal!"
"We all know our husband's jobs well, so spend some time today personalizing your prayer in the way your husband needs them most. Try to take yourself out of the prayers. Don't pray for what you would be pleased to see happen, but rather things that would bring growth to your dude.
Our focus:
May his workplace be/become a place where he has freedom show his creativity and use his gifts.
That he would gain encouragement, specifically today, from his co-workers.
That he would be effective.
A thankful heart for a job that provides.
Give clarity to any callings that the Lord may be placing in his heart.
Professional growth.
Take a few extra moments to thank Jesus for giving your husband a job. For those of you who have the joy of staying at home with your kids make sure you have your heart right. Rather than comparing your life to the lives of others or wishing you had more to "show" for your life or sulking in the career you used to have, give thanks for a man who works so hard so that you can be a full-time mommy.
Let us all make a noticeable effort today to show our gratitude for our husbands when he enters the doors of his home at five or six or seven o'clock in the evening.
One of the most applicable pieces of advice I have ever heard is this:
When your husband comes home from a long day at work, you and all of your children should go to the door to greet him, showing him how thankful you are that he has come home to you. A man who comes home with no one to greet him, feels as though no one notices his presence. If his presence is not noticed, he will start to pull away. Make a conscious effort to greet your husband today. And have your children or pets or make believe friends do the same thing. It will make him feel loved. That is our goal!"
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Day 2-Worship
So yesterday, we prayed for our men in leadership. I love hearing from other women in what God did or showed them through their prayers for their husbands in leadership. For me, I was amazed at the submissive heart that came yesterday as I prayed for him to lead. Also, I loved the constant communication and conversation between me and God. I would focus on one part of the list for awhile before moving on to the next and it kept me constantly before His throne. Anyone else enjoy yesterday?
Today, we're praying for our men's worship. Here's the part copied and pasted from Ashley Ingram's blog.
"Worship, as you know, is a matter of the heart. So, let's begin by praying for his heart. I know what it feels like to have a heavy or burdened or uneasy heart. Don't you? Let's come together against this for our guys.
Our focus:
Take the burdens from the heart of my husband.
Replace them with freedom.
In that freedom, begin to teach my husband what it truly means to worship You in spirit and in truth.
Come and meet my husband where he is.
Allow him to find rest in his home and in his current circumstances.
Begin to lay new words and encouragement on the heart of my husband.
Develop him into a man who is capable of being in a constant spirit of worship."
Today, we're praying for our men's worship. Here's the part copied and pasted from Ashley Ingram's blog.
"Worship, as you know, is a matter of the heart. So, let's begin by praying for his heart. I know what it feels like to have a heavy or burdened or uneasy heart. Don't you? Let's come together against this for our guys.
Our focus:
Take the burdens from the heart of my husband.
Replace them with freedom.
In that freedom, begin to teach my husband what it truly means to worship You in spirit and in truth.
Come and meet my husband where he is.
Allow him to find rest in his home and in his current circumstances.
Begin to lay new words and encouragement on the heart of my husband.
Develop him into a man who is capable of being in a constant spirit of worship."
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
We're doing Take Your Man to Jesus-again :)
Several days ago, a sweet friend of mine reminded me through a tweet of hers about a prayer journey from Ashley Ingram's blog and later posted on the Leading and Loving It's blog. It was called Take Your Man to Jesus and it was a time when she felt led to pray intensively for her husband for ten days. She posted a focused prayer list each day on her blog because of the number of people interested in praying along with her for their own husbands/boyfriends/future husbands they have yet to meet. After seeing the tweet, I went back to find the posts and really felt led to start it again and asked a few friends to join me in praying for their own men. Another dear friend gave me the idea to post the journey here for anyone else that may be interested in joining us. So, here we are in the beginning. I chose to start on a Tuesday purposefully because Day 2 is praying for your man and his worship, and Wednesday night is a worship service for our ministry.
So, today is Day 1 and we are praying for our men as leaders. I'll just copy and paste the last paragraph and list from Ashley's post about it. :)
"Let's begin by praying for our husbands as leaders.
All of our men are leaders in one way or another and most of them lead in multiple areas. They are all the leaders in our relationships and homes. Many of them lead multiple people in their place of work. And whether you realize it or not, many of your husband's friends look to your husband as a leader in their friendship. For those of you who have been in leadership roles yourselves, you know the burden and pressure that can come from such roles. Recognize that your husband is a leader to many people, even in situations that you may be unaware of. Let's ask the Lord to bless them in this role, to teach them through leadership and to use them to influence others.
Our focus:
Increase his wisdom in making decisions for those he leads.
God would give him confidence as a leader.
Call him to step out in his role and calling.
Give him influence in the lives of others.
That he would view his leadership as a way to lead as the Lord has lead him.
Teach him through leading others.
A teachable spirit.
Use the next twenty-four hours to focus on your husband's roles in leadership. Take him before the Lord, specifically as a leader."
So, today is Day 1 and we are praying for our men as leaders. I'll just copy and paste the last paragraph and list from Ashley's post about it. :)
"Let's begin by praying for our husbands as leaders.
All of our men are leaders in one way or another and most of them lead in multiple areas. They are all the leaders in our relationships and homes. Many of them lead multiple people in their place of work. And whether you realize it or not, many of your husband's friends look to your husband as a leader in their friendship. For those of you who have been in leadership roles yourselves, you know the burden and pressure that can come from such roles. Recognize that your husband is a leader to many people, even in situations that you may be unaware of. Let's ask the Lord to bless them in this role, to teach them through leadership and to use them to influence others.
Our focus:
Increase his wisdom in making decisions for those he leads.
God would give him confidence as a leader.
Call him to step out in his role and calling.
Give him influence in the lives of others.
That he would view his leadership as a way to lead as the Lord has lead him.
Teach him through leading others.
A teachable spirit.
Use the next twenty-four hours to focus on your husband's roles in leadership. Take him before the Lord, specifically as a leader."
Saturday, February 12, 2011
seek Me and live
Recently, I've been heavily examining my heart and the same lesson has been whispered softly into my heart, then blown loudly into my ears, and back to softly. He knows what it takes to get my attention ;). But that lesson has been that though He did intend on my season of heavy involvement in leadership and being a role model to other young women, that season is over and what is ahead of me is a season of heavy involvement in leading the hearts of two ladies in particular and being their role model. In this transition time, I've been quite confused and when trying to do both, I've lost patience and failed repeatedly, but that reason was also given to me: I can't do both. Not right now. A few writings from Oswald Chambers have struck my heart so powerfully that I've sat in shock, been taken aback, and re-surrendered to my calling. I'm daily poured out and exhausted for the sake of others, but I assure you, it's very very rarely a willing pouring or exhaustion.
It's so like God to give me a certain verse from one book at a time to show me one thing, and then a year later, give me another verse from a different book with the same topic to show me my next step. This time last year, when trying to decide how possible a busy life would even be with a new baby on the way and toddler, God drew me to Leviticus (yes, I'm Type A and find my well springs in books like Leviticus) to verse 5:11, "If, however, they cannot afford two doves or two young pigeons, they are to bring as an offering for their sin a tenth of an ephah of the finest flour for a sin offering. They must not put olive oil or incense on it, because it is a sin offering."
It had just been talking about offering a lamb or bull or other large and expensive animals, but then said this. And God spoke to my heart and acknowledged that in time and service, I would, indeed, have less to offer, but that in the end, it would be the same as those that had much to offer. Then, when I began to feel uncomfortable this last month or two, He drew me to several passages and most recently to Hosea 6. (Don't you just love Hosea?) In verse 6 from the New Living Translation, it says, "I want you to show love, not offer sacrifices. I want you to know Me, more than I want burnt offerings." sigh...I just love Him and how He knows just what to say :). I've been feeling like I've been offering up my children and their time while I serve others and not even making quality time with Him a priority and there, just as simple as that, He gives me my answer. There's nothing He doesn't know the answer to, and that, for this know it all girl, is such a refreshing and relieving thing. What can you take to Him? Through His word, you'll always always find what you're looking for. Amos 5:4 says, "This is what the Lord says to Israel, 'Seek me and live'" Live. Not drown. Not go crazy. Not hide in your room hoping when you come back out, things will magically be easier to deal with. Live.
It's so like God to give me a certain verse from one book at a time to show me one thing, and then a year later, give me another verse from a different book with the same topic to show me my next step. This time last year, when trying to decide how possible a busy life would even be with a new baby on the way and toddler, God drew me to Leviticus (yes, I'm Type A and find my well springs in books like Leviticus) to verse 5:11, "If, however, they cannot afford two doves or two young pigeons, they are to bring as an offering for their sin a tenth of an ephah of the finest flour for a sin offering. They must not put olive oil or incense on it, because it is a sin offering."
It had just been talking about offering a lamb or bull or other large and expensive animals, but then said this. And God spoke to my heart and acknowledged that in time and service, I would, indeed, have less to offer, but that in the end, it would be the same as those that had much to offer. Then, when I began to feel uncomfortable this last month or two, He drew me to several passages and most recently to Hosea 6. (Don't you just love Hosea?) In verse 6 from the New Living Translation, it says, "I want you to show love, not offer sacrifices. I want you to know Me, more than I want burnt offerings." sigh...I just love Him and how He knows just what to say :). I've been feeling like I've been offering up my children and their time while I serve others and not even making quality time with Him a priority and there, just as simple as that, He gives me my answer. There's nothing He doesn't know the answer to, and that, for this know it all girl, is such a refreshing and relieving thing. What can you take to Him? Through His word, you'll always always find what you're looking for. Amos 5:4 says, "This is what the Lord says to Israel, 'Seek me and live'" Live. Not drown. Not go crazy. Not hide in your room hoping when you come back out, things will magically be easier to deal with. Live.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Learning lessons through sickness
The last week at my house has been...crazy. The stomach bug took over, first with London, then Story, and lastly, Lance. Luckily, (or unfortunately, however I choose to look at it at the moment ;)) I didn't catch it. (I have an overactive immune system it seems..) So, I was nurse. The problem with London getting it first meant that she was down and calm and sick for several days, and then, all that energy seemed to burst out when she got better. This meant that as a tiny, pitiful 4.5 month old got very very sick, the not quite 2 year old was bouncing off walls and acting out in every way possible to get some attention back on herself (don't really blame her.) Then, Lance got sick. Honestly, two and a half days of Lance home with no meetings, work, or practice for either one of us? Sick or not, I'll take it!
So today, he was better, but the virus still clinging a tiny bit, so he stayed home to save innocent bystanders from germs. By 4 pm, he sat down in the recliner and announced he was exhausted. I remember his words perfectly, "Your job is exhausting! I have this overwhelming urge to just SIT!" :) precisely, my dear. and there were two of us and two of them. We were playing man to man! I usually play zone defense with him gone. Not that I don't love my children or being a (kind of) stay at home mom; I do, but seeing him collapse by 4 pm with a full evening ahead of us made me fully realize where my own difficulties lay.
By the time the house is picked up, dinner is served and cleaned up, the kids are FINALLY in bed (and asleep), I just want to fall into a pile of mush and do nothing at all productive. I fight the urge to mindlessly scroll through facebook or twitter or blogs. I don't want to think, I don't want to do homework (which, I'm behind on now that I think about it), and I definitely never WANT to pray or read my Bible. Honestly, I want to be entertained. I'm taking part in Beth Moore's LPM Siesta Scripture Memory (you can still join too!) and my latest verse was "But she who gives herself in wanton pleasure is dead, even while she lives." 1 Tim 5:6 NASB.
It's so easy to get caught up in entertainment. A show, a website, a phone. You sit down because you're exhausted, mentally or physically (or both!) and before you know it, you're going to bed just as empty and exhausted as when you sat down. Through this week, I've learned a little more on that lesson I've been trying to learn: I can sit down and do nothing but be slightly (and if we're talking about facebook, even less than slightly) entertained and then go to bed with zero spiritual fruits and a bad attitude, then wake up in the exact same state. OR, I could sit down to talk with my creator. The One that knows me in and out and knows how far I've been pushed that day. I can listen as He whispers to me and reminds me of His promises for me and my marriage and my children. I can readjust my mind and heart, and then go to bed with so much love in me for Him and Lance and the girls that it's spilling over and I can't wait until tomorrow instead of dreading it. Remember the proverbs 31 woman? "Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she smiles at the future." Proverbs 31:25
I want so badly to smile toward the future, knowing that I will handle it with strength and dignity with Him as my strength. I don't want to think tomorrow will be crazy because of sickness or meetings or Lance gone a lot and dread it. I don't want to think, "they'll be 15 and 16 on day and may be fighting every second." I want to look forward to watching them blossom into beautiful women of God, raised knowing the love of the One that made them beautiful. Don't you?
So today, he was better, but the virus still clinging a tiny bit, so he stayed home to save innocent bystanders from germs. By 4 pm, he sat down in the recliner and announced he was exhausted. I remember his words perfectly, "Your job is exhausting! I have this overwhelming urge to just SIT!" :) precisely, my dear. and there were two of us and two of them. We were playing man to man! I usually play zone defense with him gone. Not that I don't love my children or being a (kind of) stay at home mom; I do, but seeing him collapse by 4 pm with a full evening ahead of us made me fully realize where my own difficulties lay.
By the time the house is picked up, dinner is served and cleaned up, the kids are FINALLY in bed (and asleep), I just want to fall into a pile of mush and do nothing at all productive. I fight the urge to mindlessly scroll through facebook or twitter or blogs. I don't want to think, I don't want to do homework (which, I'm behind on now that I think about it), and I definitely never WANT to pray or read my Bible. Honestly, I want to be entertained. I'm taking part in Beth Moore's LPM Siesta Scripture Memory (you can still join too!) and my latest verse was "But she who gives herself in wanton pleasure is dead, even while she lives." 1 Tim 5:6 NASB.
It's so easy to get caught up in entertainment. A show, a website, a phone. You sit down because you're exhausted, mentally or physically (or both!) and before you know it, you're going to bed just as empty and exhausted as when you sat down. Through this week, I've learned a little more on that lesson I've been trying to learn: I can sit down and do nothing but be slightly (and if we're talking about facebook, even less than slightly) entertained and then go to bed with zero spiritual fruits and a bad attitude, then wake up in the exact same state. OR, I could sit down to talk with my creator. The One that knows me in and out and knows how far I've been pushed that day. I can listen as He whispers to me and reminds me of His promises for me and my marriage and my children. I can readjust my mind and heart, and then go to bed with so much love in me for Him and Lance and the girls that it's spilling over and I can't wait until tomorrow instead of dreading it. Remember the proverbs 31 woman? "Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she smiles at the future." Proverbs 31:25
I want so badly to smile toward the future, knowing that I will handle it with strength and dignity with Him as my strength. I don't want to think tomorrow will be crazy because of sickness or meetings or Lance gone a lot and dread it. I don't want to think, "they'll be 15 and 16 on day and may be fighting every second." I want to look forward to watching them blossom into beautiful women of God, raised knowing the love of the One that made them beautiful. Don't you?
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